Disinfecting Coca Cola
Actions speak louder than words, the success story of coca cola can be well attributed to this approach we took when our client coca cola faced one of its biggest trials to date. On June 13, 1999, Coca-Cola recalled over 15 million cans and bottles after the Belgian Health Ministry announced a ban on Coke's drinks, which were suspected of making more than 100 school children ill in the preceding six days.
We advised and assisted coke through their problems by ensuring the following reccommendations took place
- Reimbursed medical costs for all impacted
- Direct funding for schools which equated to improved
class rooms and school supplies for those affected
- The public was notified that the problems stemmed from the bottlers not coke itself, this was backed up with a team of scientists testing contaminated products and finding the route of the problem
- bottling facilities where as a result where more self-regulated
- Coke also released a campaign following the crisis which revealed the revolutionary process and freshness of coca colas manufacturing on numerous programs.
As a result of our work with Coca Cola, they regained the 24% loss in profits and regained their position as the number one soft drink producer globally. This largely due to the effective response undertaken by our Compass Consultancy Team and Coca Cola .(Crisis Management and Strategies, 2012)